The Patrick Kavanagh Trail, Inniskeen, County Monaghan
Trek Ireland in Inniskeen, County Monaghan
Explore the Patrick Kavanagh Trail along the Inniskeen road from the Visitor's Centre to Billy Brennan's Barn on a traditional High Nelly bicycle. Along the way, local guide Art Agnew will stop and discuss some of the highly influential places that inspired the Poet's prose and poetry.
Visit The Patrick Kavanagh Visitor's Centre, Inniskeen, which has excellent audio-visual facilities to help further explore and promote the Poet's work.
Thanks to Peter Lennon for the loan of a traditional High Nelly bicycle for the purposes of filming. Contact Peter Lennon to repair, restore, or purchase your own High Nelly.
[email protected]
Finally, our thanks to the Trustees of the Estate of the late Katherine B. Kavanagh, through the Jonathan Williams Literary Agency, for kind permission to recite the Poet's work for the purposes of this educational project.